No News Is Good News?

I am contemplating an experiment: go a week without looking at the news. Or even longer.

It’s not that I’m anti-news, it’s just… well, it’s quite a lot like Facebook. You don’t necessarily see the kind of thing you’re looking for, but there’s all this other stuff designed to get your attention, and before you know it another hour of your life is gone forever.

Anders Zorn - Emma Zorn, Läsande
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What Really Begins the Season?

According to Aristotle, “one swallow does not a summer make, nor one fine day” – so what does make a summer? It certainly isn’t anything to do with the calendar.

To me, summer begins with the scent of sunblock in the air, despite the fact that my togs don’t leave much skin to be sunblocked. There are invariably those around me who practically have to bathe in the stuff. Indeed, some people spend more beach time putting on sunblock than actually in the water.

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The Problem with Productivity

Why is it that strengths are so often also weaknesses (and, of course, vice versa)? Three days in to Spinning Plates, and its strengths and weaknesses are being revealed, with a great deal of overlap between the two.

One of its main strengths is that it seems to work even when I’m tired. Yesterday I was positively zombiesque, after a busy day the day before – aka ereyesterday or nudiustertian (I am not even making this up) – followed by a dramatic if somewhat sleep-deprived night involving blood, screaming and three speeding police cars, albeit all in separate incidents. (The police cars were together; the blood and screaming each came separately.)

Periorbital darkness
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