Upskilly & Stuff: August

Despite a total dearth of dressmaking this month, I did manage a bit of upskilling: one skill in the area of knitting, and one in the area of embroidery – which are, coincidentally, the two areas I’ve made progress on this month.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that weaving in the ends is the worst part of knitting. There are, it is true, occasional freaks of nature who enjoy doing it, but they’re as rare as a necklace of hen’s teeth round a unicorn’s neck. So if you happen to know one of these creatures of myth and legend, be sure to keep your friendship in good condition, with regular offerings of chocolate, flowers, theatre tickets etc.

Amigurumi Unicorn
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Money ≠ Taste

Kate Moss smoking 3Many women have asked me if it is possible to have a well-built wardrobe on a limited budget. ‘Money,’ I tell them, ‘is no guarantee of taste, and an overstuffed wardrobe is often as bare as a skeleton when it comes to wearable apparel.’
Edith Head

Budgeting Clothing

Do you budget your clothing?
Not in the utility clothing kind of way – so many buttons permitted per garment, so many inches of stitching or feet of hem – but in the sense that you have a fixed amount of money each year that you can spend on clothing.

Florent Willems - The Important Response - Walters 37140
Realizing just how much she spent this year…
How does your clothing budget work – and does it work for you?