Question: Zombie Cookery

Not how do you cook a zombie (that’s unhygienic) but when you feel like a zombie, what do you cook?
Everybody has that go-to recipe that’s so familiar you can make it even when your brain has fallen out the back of your head and is slopping miserably across the kitchen floor.

Contemplative Chef Zombie

When in dire mental straits I tend to resort to scrambled eggs on toast. In fact, I was on one occasion so tired, stressed and disorganized (combination of new job, moving house, planning wedding etc etc) that when my dearly beloved came round for dinner on his usual evening, all I could manage to feed him was scrambled egg in a cup. Because I had run out of things that could be toasted, e.g. bread. (And he still married me!)

What’s your emergency brain-out-fallen recipe? Share below!