Is There A Hell?

“I will not continue in a job which involves being kissed by worms like Claude Bates. No, no, no, sir!”

Mr Wrenn raised a shocked and wrathful face.
“He kissed you?”

“Yes. You had an article in the Home Companion last week, uncle, saying what a holy and beautiful thing the first kiss is. Well, Claude Bates’s wasn’t. He hadn’t shaved and he was wearing a dressing-gown. Also, he was pallid and greenish, and looked as if he had been out all night. Anything less beautiful and holy I never saw.”

“He kissed you! What did you do?”

Wim van den Heuvel en Yoka Berretty (1961)

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Cocktail Time!

Not the book by P. G. Wodehouse (nor Sir Raymond Bastable, nor Cosmo Wisdom, if it comes to that), as delicious and mildly intoxicating as that book is.

Instead, I would like you to apply your minds to the following conundrum: what are the ingredients of the cocktail known as a Port Flip?Continue & Comment

Fish on the Floor

Jan van Kessel still life
I flung open the door. I got a momentary flash of about a hundred and fifteen cats of all sizes and colours scrapping in the middle of the room, and then they all shot past me with a rush and out of the front door; and all that was left of the mob scene was the head of a whacking big fish, lying on the carpet and staring up at me in a rather austere sort of way, as if it wanted a written explanation and apology.

from The Inimitable Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse