Gargoyle Chip Report XI

Gargoyles and Saints - Siena CathedralThis week, I am happy to report, I have made a lot of progress. Or at least, it felt like a lot at the time, but doesn’t necessarily look like a lot when considered as part of the whole. Big projects are like that.

Rose quilt: several afternoons and evenings spent on stitching motif to background (in the smoother intervals of the proofreading process)
Curtains: none whatsoever

How are the gargoyles looking in your life? Keep chipping away – you’ll get there in time!

Gargoyle Chip Report IX

Grotesque (4441150508)
You win some and you lose some. Sometimes they’re the same one. Which is to say, when I put the sides-to-middled, patched and darned sheets on the actual bed, I saw another area that probably needs patching (which of course didn’t show up when I was actually looking for it).
The sheets are holding up, however, and to my surprise the seam isn’t noticeable unless you go feeling for it. So I’m going to call that a win, and add another patch at my own convenience.

As for progress on the other projects:
Curtains – none.
Rose Quilt – one evening (about two hours) of appliquéing the motif onto the background.

Slow progress, but still progress!
How are yours going?

Gargoyle Chip Report VIII

Oops! I missed this one on Saturday. Of all the times! For I have good news, of moderate joy.
Three gargoyles
Of the three gargoyles I started with, one is finished!

The worn-out bedsheets have, over the last several weeks, been split, turned, seamed, hemmed, darned, patched, and this last week I finished the last line of stitching. They’re washed, dried and ready to go back on the bed. (I don’t think I’ve ever slept on a middle-seamed sheet before – we’ll see how it goes.)

Other progress:
curtains – method of attack decided (wish me luck!)
rose quilt – no progress.

Any good news of joy, moderate or otherwise, in your camps?