His knowledge of country lore was a little hazy, but he felt fairly sure that if the cows lay down, it meant rain. If they were standing it would probably be fine. These cows were taking it in turns to execute slow and solemn somersaults; and Tyler wondered what it presaged for the weather.
A Princess’ Friends (or lack thereof)
There is only one princess in the Disney tales, one girl who gets to be exalted. Princesses may confide in a sympathetic mouse or teacup, but they do not have girlfriends. God forbid Snow White should give Sleeping Beauty a little support.
Superpowered Kung-Fu Koalas
The lesson here is this: If you won’t enjoy reading it, you won’t enjoy writing it. If you truly are fascinated by the plight of the nation’s mentally ill, the ongoing politicization of religious sects in Saudi Arabia, or inner-city high-rise housing projects as metaphors for racial injustice and miscarried modernization, by all means put them in your book.