Naming Names

Are you the kind of person who likes to name things – pets, appliances, that random rustling sound in the bushes?

Adam naming animals - Moni Ayou Nikolaou (Meteora)

What have you named recently?

A Word of Many Meanings

SS Rigel I, launch at Crichton-Vulcan
What word can mean a thin cream of clay, a cutting from a tree, a woman’s undergarment, a boat-landing, a greyhound’s leash, a pillow-case, a cricket position or a mistake – among other meanings?

Stationery Junkie?

Or, if you prefer, stationery geek, stationery lover, or merely connoisseur of the finer things in paper-related life.
Paper notebooks
Regardless of the terminology employed, is this you? Do untouched notebooks make your heart beat faster? Do you obsess over writing implements? Do you hoard – in short, do you love to buy, receive and/or use stationery? What are your tastes – and what your most recent addition?