That Book You Can’t Remember

Have you ever wanted to find a copy of a book you used to know, but you can’t remember the title, or the author? Book red; question marksWhat do you remember about it? And are you still looking?

Myself, I’d like to find a copy of the vintage children’s craft book we used to have when I was a kid. Can’t remember the title, the author, the cover… just some of the projects inside. A toy lamb with coathangers stiffening its legs, a set of simple garden tools…

Literary Role Models

Have you ever copied something from a fictional character, or a fictional world?  A style of dress, a turn of phrase, a scheme of interior decor – or something else entirely?
The Golden Book Gown by Ryan Jude Novelline
What – and why?

How Old Is ‘Senior’?

For a cat, that is.
Tired 20-year-old cat
Helpful hint: the average life-span of a domestic cat is said to be twelve to fifteen years, though they can live much longer (Exhibit A: Creme Puff.)

What do you reckon? When can a cat apply for its old age pension?