Content Content

George Phoenix. The Grandmother's Wardrobe
Which is to say, are you content (adjective) with the content (noun) of your wardrobe?
If not, why not? If so, how’d you get there?


A Pompeian Beauty, Blogging, after Raffaele Giannetti
What’s the most beautiful website you’ve ever seen? What was it about the site that you found so attractive?

Proofreading Fun

Are you ready for some good clean proofreading-related fun? I thought as much.
Here are three challenges for you to whet your wits upon. Put your answer in the comments, and I’ll release the correct answers in due course.

Disclaimer: one part of one of these challenges (and no, I’m not telling you which) is something of a trick question. One of the other challenges may not even have a correct answer, but may result in injury, maiming or death. You can’t say I didn’t warn you.

Gun panda

Challenge One: match the characters to the names.
1 guillemet
2 interrobang
3 obelus
4 pilcrow
5 asterism
6 solidus
7 hedera
8 octothorpe

A ÷   B ⁂   C #   D «   E ‽   F ¶   G /   H ❧

Challenge Two: where would you hyphenate the following words?
minute (tick tick, not tiny)

Battle between the imperial and the revolutionary army Wellcome L0040011
Challenge Three: are you for or against the Oxford comma? «barricades self under desk and refuses to come out»