To Read or Not to Read?

There are (it has often been said) two kinds of people.
Arthur Foord Hughes A lady reading while playing the spinet
In this particular instance, there is the kind of person who loves reading up on their hobbies and interests, and there is the kind of person for whom this is a dreadful waste of good hobbying time (unless they are searching for specific information).

Which kind are you?

Cold Hands


Do you ever suffer from cold hands? What’s your favourite way to insulate them – gloves, mittens, fingerless gloves, convertible mittens, a muff?

Cold Copyright

ME 218 ColdVirusHere’s an interesting thought: if someone patented (or copyrighted, or what have you) the cold virus, could they sue people for propagating their intellectual property without permission? Or could the hapless victims sue them for not keeping a dangerous virus under proper control? Of course, the very idea is ludicrous, but so are a lot of things about intellectual property law.