The Worst Weed

dandelionknight-2400pxOpinion poll: which, in all the world of weeds, is the worst? Which would you most dislike to see growing in your garden (if you have one)?

Strangest Search Terms

HackingWhat’s the strangest thing you’ve ever searched for online? Personally, I think the most suspicious thing I’ve ever searched for is how to make gunpowder. For purely professional reasons, of course…

The Best of 2016

What a year, eh? But let us overlook (for now) some of the more disheartening things that have happened this year, and remember some of the good things.

The Birthday Mascot (2434877343)What, in your expert opinion, has been the best thing about 2016? Doesn’t have to be world-sized, it could just be something good that happened to you. Let’s hear the highlights!