Question: Bingeing on Purging?

Cas éloquent d'accumulation compulsive - salon

When it comes to decluttering, what do you reckon works best: doing it all in one fell swoop, or eating the elephant one bite at a time?
[Disclaimer: picture indication only. Actual contents may vary.]

the Question of Exercise

Being a full-time stay-at-home writer is a wonderful thing, but after nearly a year, I have discovered one area in which it is severely lacking – namely that of exercise.

Back in the days of the Dreaded Day Job, I used to walk to work. Not for the sake of the walk itself, but because the buses were so utterly unreliable. Which was probably just as well, all things considered, because the DDJ was an office job, and the biggest bit of exercise in the day was walking up the stairs in the morning.

Silly Walk Gait

Once I left the DDJ, that was four brisk 3km walks (1.86 miles, imperialists) which disappeared from my week. And did I replace them with several other brisk walks?
I did not. I like to do things efficiently, and it seems rather inefficient to leave the house just to wander around and then come back again. I do go for walks with the Caped Gooseberry, but chronic fatigue and brisk multi-kilometre walks do not go well together.

So here’s the question: what do you do to stay fit? What are your recommendations?

2da Serie femenina

My criteria: simple, local, inexpensive, and preferably enjoyable.
I’m not looking to lose weight (nicely, nicely, thank you) or to develop a six-pack and bulging biceps – I just want to be fitter, and to have abdominal muscles capable of keeping my insides, well, inside. Ideas?

Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain


What’s your favourite colour? Or, to look at it another way, if you were to be represented by a colour, what would it be?

Myself, I am a sort of dark rusty reddish brown. Plain without being drab, warm without being fiery, simple without being boring. The colour of book-bindings, bloodstains and mahogany furniture – which, now I think about it, makes me sound like a murder in the library.

Well, there are worse places to die – providing, of course, that one does not bleed on the books.

And you? If you abominate the idea of a representative colour, the comment section is also open to discussions of the best places to die. (1,001 Places to Die Before You See?) We speak of birthplaces, why not deathplaces?