You can now find me on Goodreads! To the surprise of certain of my connections who never thought to see me on social media (and who clearly don’t use Ravelry).
Should you wish to know what I am reading/have read, and on occasion, what I thought of it, pop along to my page and have a rummage.

Full disclosure: I have read more than 48 books in my lifetime. (Surprise!) But one cannot spend all day marking books as read, particularly when one does not remember them in intimate detail. Work in progress, although I don’t think I will bore you all by recording absolutely every book I read, or even every re-read. Too much admin, as a friend of mine wisely says.
If you are a Goodreads user yourself, feel free to make a connection. You can also ask me questions about my work and life as a writer, but then, you’ve always been able to do that here, too.
And yes, I have read Restoration Day, but I haven’t marked it as read, thus avoiding any embarrassment contingent on being asked for my candid opinion of it.