There are words which change lives…forever.
Andrei just wants a chance with the girl of his dreams, but he knows she’s keeping a secret from him—an imperial secret, a disturbing secret, and one that will not leave Andrei and his love alone.
Now he’s on the run from a murderous monster, with only one chance to save himself and those he loves: hunt down the heart of the dreadful curse that has fallen on the Czar and find a way to end it for good.
Followed by nine feet of animated stonework, a petrified exhibitionist, and his grandmother’s sullen apprentice, he must struggle through winter’s deadly chill to uncover the truth before everyone he knows is changed forever.
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Praise for The Wound of Words
“wonderful, uplifting, optimistic and slightly bananas”
Lukasz Przywoski of Fantasy Book Critic
“a hodgepodge of clever madness”
“some of the sharpest and most creative uses of dialogue in recent memory.”
“completely original and undeniably entertaining.”
“The Wound Of Words is a wonderful book. It is extremely well-written, with beautiful prose, and rich, lively characters who are smart, flawed, humorous, and distinct… I encourage you to pick this story up, even if looks to be outside your comfort zone.”
Adam Weller, reviewing for Fantasy Book Critic (see full review).
Available in paperback (978-0-473-51621-5) and a variety of ebook formats (978-0-473-71001-9). Click for retail detail.
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