Keeping score:
Wednesday: 690 blog words
Thursday: 213 WIP words and 288 Morning Page words
Friday: 304 letter words
Saturday: nowt
Sunday: Day Off
Monday: nowt again
Tuesday: 196 Morning Page words and 554 blog words.
No, I will not be counting Word-Count-Update posts. No Weaselling.
Wednesday 521 WIP
Thursday 0
Friday I wrote 378 words & then deleted them
Saturday 368 blog post
Sunday 0
Monday 534 WIP
Tuesday 0
Get T to add up but I think you might be winning this week
Gal. 6:4!
The running total in my spreadsheet reckons I’m still 765 words behind since I started last Monday.
Aah I don’t have a running total. That might be interesting…
I’m a mathematician, not a calculator!