Coming Soon! A Season of Change

Change is afoot!

For reasons which I Am Not At Liberty To State (yet), the three novels I have published to date may shortly cease to be available in paperback form. Or in paper form at all.

But what you lose on the swings, you make up on the roundabouts.

Side note: I am having difficulty thinking of anything that one might lose on swings which could then be recouped or regained on roundabouts. One’s lunch? No. One’s wallet? Doubtful. A parkouring thief who sails across the playground on the swings before being trapped in the roundabout like a comic actor in a revolving door? Unlikely, to say the least. However, far be it from me to question the metaphoric wisdom of Those Who Have Gone Before.

A woman sits sadly on a swing, back to the viewer. The swing next to her is empty. In the background is a roundabout, also empty.
This woman has clearly lost something on the swings which she has not yet regained on the roundabout.


While I am hoping in the future to make my books available in quality hardback form, in the shorter term the role of the roundabouts will be played by….

(drumroll please)


Audiobooks are increasingly popular, largely, I imagine, because they fulfil every reader’s dream: being able to read while doing everything else. At least, they do if you are aurally inclined. I myself tend to forget anything that isn’t actually nailed down in text (in one ear, out the other) and therefore am not much of an audiobook consumer.

I did listen to a few some years ago after eye surgery, being unable to read print at the time, but all I can tell you now is that one of the books was a mystery with a scene set in a cellar. Whodunnit? What dun they? No idea.

Nevertheless, in keeping with the DIY – IYWMARMOI spirit of the Oi Makarioi publishing house (Do It Yourself – If You Won’t Make A Right Mess Of It), the plan is to both read (or “narrate” to use the technical term) and edit the books ourselves.

I have already recorded and edited the first scene of Restoration Day as a sample, and I would very much like to hear – which is to say, read (as I mentioned before, in one ear…) – your feedback. On the recording, the editing, the narration, the idea generally, or anything else that springs to mind.

Here’s the sample:

If you would prefer to keep your feedback private, here’s the contact page.
If, on the other hand, you have nothing to say you would not say openly and before the watershed, here’s the comment section:

4 Replies to “Coming Soon! A Season of Change”

  1. I’ve already discovered a pronunciation that I had been reading wrong in my head. This is going to be informative!
    I look forward to hearing the rest!

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