Deep Rest

How exactly does one rest?

As I have had occasion to mention before (here and here), the Caped Gooseberry and I have different ways of relaxing, and this was something we were advised to address in our pre-marriage counselling. (Counselling: not necessarily because you have problems, but because you want to avoid having problems.)

potatoes with faces on tiny couch

The Caped Gooseberry finds strategy games relaxing. His hobby: thinking about stuff. (Makes him very hard to buy presents for, let me tell you.) I, on the other hand, find strategy games about as relaxing as running for a bus. In the rain. In badly fitting shoes. But I do like watching DVDs (not restful at all for the Caped Gooseberry) and reading (silently, to myself). All about the stories, me.


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Seven Years

On January 4th 2013, I published my first ever blog post. In the seven years since, I’ve published a post (on average) once every not-quite-three days. That’s 879 posts – 880 if you count this one.

So I think it’s time to take a sabbatical – an unspecified period of time during which I will consider what I have done over the last seven years; whether, after my seven years’ labour, I’ve found myself with Rachel or Leah (and, indeed, what “Rachel” and “Leah” represent in this case); and what the future should look like.

Gauffier - Jacob venant trouver les filles de Laban 01

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Where Did The Decade Go?

2020 already? How did that happen?
But now that I think about it, there have been one or two things happen in the last ten years.

Time Flies Metaphor Image

I graduated with an MA in Creative Writing (Scriptwriting) – the beginning of a year of unemployment.

I gained a statistically significant other (and wrote a few hundred emails to him in aforementioned year of unemployment).

I got a job at last – the Dreaded Day Job.

I got engaged, moved cities and started my new job (it was a very busy few days).

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