A Week with Proofreading

Drew you in with my ever-so-exciting headline, didn’t I? (Cough.) Not so much.

The Makarios household is submerged at present in a sea of proofreading (hyphenation, overhangs, regional spelling variations, punctuation…) and having tried in vain to turn my mind to writing about something more interesting for you all, I decided that this week we’d have a look at the interesting side of all things proofreadery.

Punctuation personfied

So, to kick things off: which (or possibly what) punctuation mark are you? Here are three sites willing to weigh in with an opinion:




Share your results in the comments! I got comma, comma & em dash. I miss being a semicolon 🙁

A Reminder

Do you have anything which you keep about you – practical or not – in order to remind yourself of something you’ve experienced, achieved, or learned?
If so, what, and what does it remind you of?