The Face of Courage

When you think of courage, who do you think of? Tell us a story!

Myself, I think of Mark 10:32-34.

Brooklyn Museum - With Passover Approaching, Jesus Goes Up to Jerusalem - James Tissot - overall
Let me set the scene: Jesus is walking down the road, heading for Jerusalem. Some way behind him come his followers, boggling at what’s happening in front of them. And behind his followers, a crowd, uneasy, anxious and fearful. They can tell there’s something going on, but they don’t know what.

Jesus does know what’s going on. He knows that when he gets to Jerusalem he will be betrayed, and the people will “mock him, spit on him, flog him with a whip and kill him.”

But he’s going to Jerusalem all the same. His purpose is firm, he’s set his course, and he won’t be deflected. Every step he takes is bringing him closer to unearned pain, suffering and death, and he knows it. But on he goes, and the people follow, fearful and amazed.

People and their Boxes

Not the kind of box that’s full of wooly joy, but the kind of box that people put other people (or even themselves) in.

Man in a box
No, not that kind either, although ouch.

I mean the kind of boxes people use to classify each other; the boxes people file you in the first time they meet you, and try to prevent you escaping from thereafter.

What are the boxes that people try to put you in?

Who's #1?

Ämnestoppar guldstjärna

Or possibly what’s #1?

Every life is lived with the conscious or subconscious belief that someone or something is paramount; taking precedence over everything and everyone else.

Who or what is most important to you?

Or, if you want to look at it in a less dry and philosophical way, if everything that matters to you were pitted against each other in a cage fight, which would emerge triumphant?