The Price of Your Dreams

Gustave Léonard Dejonghe Gedanken beim Verfassen des Briefes

What would you be willing to do to make your dreams come true? How far would you be willing to go? What price would you be willing to pay?

No, wait – those aren’t the right questions.

What are you willing to do to make your dreams come true? How far are you willing to go? What price are you willing to pay?

How Do You Type?


Touch-typing? Hunt-and-peck? Or the ultra-modern thumbing?

What speeds do you clock? (Free test available here.)
My speed works out at 60 words per minute, taking into account the fact that I go back to correct errors as I spot them, rather than leaving them be. Quality, not quantity, as the family motto says – or would, if we had one.

Texture: Love and Loathe

Fingertips macro

The odd thing about textures is not that they vary so greatly, or even that some are perceived as pleasant and others less so. The odd thing is that some people will love those which others loathe, and vice versa.

Myself, I cannot stand the texture of foam mattress stuffing. Just the thought of it rubbing against my fingernails makes my skin crawl. Why this should be, I cannot say.

What textures do you love – or loathe?