Project Management

Are you the kind of person who works on one project at a time, or the kind who has several going at once?
Stick figure - choosing
If the former, how do you decide which project will have your full attention? And if the latter, how do you decide which of your current projects will have your attention at this moment?

Gargoyle Chips Report IV

Kerber-Jacobs quarryProgress this week?

Nowt. Zero, zip, zilch, nada. Nothing.

Assuming we’re talking about chipping away at gargoyles, that is. I did a whole heap of other things, many of which were large and tiring jobs, which is probably why no progress on the gargoyles. I tend to do most of my non-portable handwork in the evenings, relaxing as my husband reads aloud. This week, the evenings were more fit-in-one-more-job-and-then-crash. Or sometimes just crash, minus the job.

So not an overwhelming quantity of good news at this end. How are your gargoyles going? Still chipping away?