When it comes to seeking simplicity in life, where do you find inspiration? Whose example influences you? A person, a group, a movement, an aesthetic? Spread the inspiration below!
Old-Fashioned Fruitcake
When it comes to seeking simplicity in life, where do you find inspiration? Whose example influences you? A person, a group, a movement, an aesthetic? Spread the inspiration below!
“Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.”
Albert Schweitzer
“If you can’t be a good example, then you’ll just have to be a horrible warning.”
from His Burial Too by Catherine Aird
Do you learn best through hands-on experimentation? Or hearing it explained – by yourself or someone else? Or do you need to see it written down in order to remember?
Does understanding come to you through description? Or diagrams? Or do you need to see it done?
Or are you one of the remarkable few who can understand those instruction booklets translated from one language to another by someone who apparently spoke neither?