A Bit of Fluff

As readers in New Zealand will have woken to Level 4 Lockdown this morning, and readers in other countries may be wishing they had, I feel that what we all need is a morsel of light-hearted cheer.

In that spirit, therefore, may I present two large fluffy chicken bums…

two fluffy chickens (rear view)

…aka Kryptops (L) and Troodon (R) hard at work in the garden. They work for chicken feed! Ah ha ha ha.

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Changing Gear

Small decisions can have big consequences. Not just the consequences you expect, but lots of little and not-so-little ripple consequences spreading out in all directions. And the next thing you know, you’re making Major Lifestyle Changes.

Dabbling mallard - perched on a rock, and making waves - on an as-yet unfrozen pond. (30987425154)
The Duck of Unforeseen Consequences. Look at those beady little eyes.
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