Have you seen (or, rather, heard) Victor Borge’s phonetic punctuation?
If not, why not brighten your day by checking it out here?
Maniacal Punctuation
“What sort of person,” said Salzella patiently, “sits down and writes a maniacal laugh? And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five? A sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head.”
Terry Pratchett, Maskerade
A Week with Proofreading
Drew you in with my ever-so-exciting headline, didn’t I? (Cough.) Not so much.
The Makarios household is submerged at present in a sea of proofreading (hyphenation, overhangs, regional spelling variations, punctuation…) and having tried in vain to turn my mind to writing about something more interesting for you all, I decided that this week we’d have a look at the interesting side of all things proofreadery.
So, to kick things off: which (or possibly what) punctuation mark are you? Here are three sites willing to weigh in with an opinion:
Share your results in the comments! I got comma, comma & em dash. I miss being a semicolon