Adventures with Avians

There are dinosaurs in our back yard. For a given value of dinosaur. “Feathered theropod dinosaurs” is what Wikipedia calls them (not to be confused with the celebrated therocephalian therapsid Purlovia Maxima). One is Troodon and one is Kryptops, and both are hens. Well, technically, only Kryptops is a hen. Troodon (pronounced Troo-don, not Tro-o-don like the original dinosaur) is a pullet.

Troodon (cropped)

And therein lies the problem. A pullet is a teenage hen, more or less, and Troodon turns out to be one of those rebellious teenagers who’s never seen a boundary she didn’t want to cross.

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Where Did The Decade Go?

2020 already? How did that happen?
But now that I think about it, there have been one or two things happen in the last ten years.

Time Flies Metaphor Image

I graduated with an MA in Creative Writing (Scriptwriting) – the beginning of a year of unemployment.

I gained a statistically significant other (and wrote a few hundred emails to him in aforementioned year of unemployment).

I got a job at last – the Dreaded Day Job.

I got engaged, moved cities and started my new job (it was a very busy few days).

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