And the Best Chocolate is….

Reeses-PB-Cups-Trio…white, milk, or dark? Which would you say?

Personally, my favourite chocolate is Whittaker’s Dark Ghana. 72% cocoa solids; made with Fairtrade cocoa and sugar; dairy-free, so it can be used in baking the World’s Best Peanut-Butter and Chocolate Cookies; and so chocolatey you don’t need to eat a lot to get the effects (so the block lasts longer). I keep some in the fridge, labelled “Medicinal Chocolate: for stress, etc. Dosage: 2sq (repeat as necessary)”.

2 Replies to “And the Best Chocolate is….”

  1. You actually label it? Love it. 🙂
    I don’t like white chocolate or super dark chocolate, but I’m fine with anything in between. 🙂 I’m not enough of a foodie to know my preferred cocoa percentage level, though. 😛

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