Can you raise one eyebrow? Which? Or, like Roger Moore (“My acting range has always been something between the two extremes of ‘raises left eyebrow’ and ‘raises right eyebrow.'”), can you raise either, independently of the other?
Old-Fashioned Fruitcake
I can raise my left. Only because my godfather could. He was also principal of the school I went to and when he stared over the top of his glasses, eyebrow raised, he was quite intimidating. So I tried to copy him. It took me a while to get it but now the left eyebrow can dance while nothing else on my face moves. Every now and then I work on getting the right one to work but the motivation just isn’t there. There isn’t enough practical value to the effort.
Love it! If I ever have a godchild I will be sure to set them such a good example
Yes I can, after spending some time practising in front of a mirror. First one, then the other was trained. It was about finding the muscles and getting the brain to send the right messages. Later I tried wiggling my second toe independently of the big toe. Less easy, and not such a party piece.
LOL. Not unless you are attending some rather unusual parties!
Left only, or both together seems to be what I can manage
I wonder if it’s genetic?
An interesting nature vs. nurture experiment: do people raise the same eyebrow their parents do, or do they get confused by the mirror-image effect and raise the other? The brief and unscientific experiment I just conducted suggests the latter.