With one week to go until release day on the 21st, I am delighted to inform you that free samples of Amiant Soul – in a variety of file formats – are now available!
Pop across to the Amiant Soul page (under Works in the menu) and help yourself! And of course, if you spot any errors or glitches, please do let me know!
Preparing the cover for Amiant Soul was a confusing and somewhat nerve-wracking business. It wasn’t just that I wanted deeper tones on the cover image, or even that I wasn’t entirely qualified to make those changes (i.e. completely ignorant of how to go about it, and succeeding only by means of some rather messy trial and error).
The original image.
It was the way the image appeared on the screen – or rather screens. I work with two screens, one built into the laptop I use, which is a more bluish toned screen, and one separate monitor, which is less blue. Naturally, the cover image appeared different on each screen. That I was prepared for.
On the 11th of October 2020, I started playing around with a new idea for a book. One thousand, two hundred, and twenty-nine days later, that book is on the cusp of taking physical form. Mere minutes ago, I ordered the proof copy – the first of what will hopefully be many copies to be printed.
And what, I hear you ask, will it look like? Behold!!