…But You Didn’t Get It

A quote I have often found myself reaching for of late comes from Douglas Adams: “We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that works.”

To give programmers their due, it’s a convoluted world to operate in. However, I have recently discovered that the plugin I depended on to send post notifications to those who signed up for them was no longer sending said emails. At least, not to those who had subscribed prior to the ‘upgrade’ at the beginning of this year. For some reason the upgrade set defaults to “do not perform core function unless explicitly re-instructed to do so.”

My day at wikipedia Continue & Comment

“Well, I’m Back,” She Said

Disclaimer: have not been to Mordor (one does not just walk in) nor destroyed any occult jewellery as far as I can recall.
It’s been eleven weeks, more or less, since I vanished on my blog sabbatical, and I have, in that time, discovered a number of things.

Discovery the First: Months of radio silence do not appear to have had a negative effect on my blog stats. If anything, quite the opposite.
Moreover, the old blog – which was mothballed in October 2017 – has done even better. At this rate it won’t be long before I can make a comfortable living being paid not to write, electrifying the world with the richness of my mysterious silences.

Discovery the Second: Farthingales are overdue for a revival. Introverts have been secretly certain of this for a long time; now everyone else is catching on.

Farthingale 2 (PSF)
Keep your social distance, or I’ll smack you silly with my fan!
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Where Did The Decade Go?

2020 already? How did that happen?
But now that I think about it, there have been one or two things happen in the last ten years.

Time Flies Metaphor Image

I graduated with an MA in Creative Writing (Scriptwriting) – the beginning of a year of unemployment.

I gained a statistically significant other (and wrote a few hundred emails to him in aforementioned year of unemployment).

I got a job at last – the Dreaded Day Job.

I got engaged, moved cities and started my new job (it was a very busy few days).

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