Nom de Plume

nom de plume
Supposing you were to assume a nom de plume (or nom de whatever it is you don’t want to be caught doing under your personal name). What would it be?

Try this generator if you’re stuck for ideas, and be sure to share the cream of the crop in the comments!

Picking Your Pet

If you had to pick only one kind of creature as a companion for your future life, what would you pick? The traditional cat or dog? The slightly less common bird, fish or rabbit? What about a lobster, like Nerval, or an ermine, like Cecilia Gallerani? What’ll it be?

Dama z gronostajem

Going Halves

Half a house, Union Beach, NJ
Here’s an interesting thought exercise: Look around at the space you live in. If you had to fit yourself and all your belongings into a space half as big, what would you keep and what would you let go?