Tap Tap Is This Thing Working?

My apologies for the extended stage wait. I have been wrestling with the innards of websites, plugins, subscription forms, etc, etc. All going well, this post will be delivered to you by a new and hopefully more reliable blog post email plugin. (Do let me know if there are any issues.)

But that’s not all! Sundry other things have happened since I last wrote to you.

For one thing, Amiant Soul has been reviewed on Fantasy Book Critic (reviewer: Adam Weller).

For another, our electric kettle problems have been solved by the addition to the household of one non-electric kettle in a rather fetching shade of blue.

A shiny blue stovetop kettle with a black handle arching over its lid and a whistle flipped up on its spout.

In other book news, all three novels – Restoration Day, The Wound of Words, and Amiant Soul – can now be purchased in ebook form straight off their pages on this website. You will need a Paypal account or a credit/debit card, though other options may be added in due course – as will The Ambition of a Potato, once I do the rather more complicated formatting required.

Purchasers gain access to all the available electronic formats. What’s more, you get to pick your own price (though Paypal and Payhip will each take a slice, and so may your government, in some countries). And that includes picking the price of $0!

Back on the home front, it’s been nearly six months since we lost our dear orange cat Boromir, aka The Kitten, and the bright orange marigolds I sowed on his grave are bursting with blooms. Here’s what it looked like a month ago (since when there have been even more flowers, but enough rain to bedraggle them).

A conglomeration of large marigold plants bursts with fist-sized globes of ruffly orange petals.

And I’ve been finding time in amongst the challenges of life, health, and plumbing issues to try some new things…of which more hereafter.

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