It’s Too Darn Hot

It’s been 27 degrees C (80.6F) every day this year. This may not seem hot to you (particularly if you live with air conditioning) but it’s all a matter of what you’re used to, and this climate has conditioned me to mostly dwell in the teens.

Pris Cat cooling herself in the Brisbane heat
Unfortunately, my to do list for summer projects includes things like “clear out woodshed” and “stack cord of firewood” (that’s 3.6 cubic metres/130 cubic feet, by hand), and “dig drainage ditch”.

Due to our proximity to the longest day, the sun pours down for about fifteen hours at a stretch. Fifteen hours and three minutes, if you want to get precise about today. This means that it gets cool enough to go outside and get to work on the garden about ten minutes before it gets dark enough that you can no longer see the garden – about half an hour before bedtime.

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That Time of Year

“It’s that time of year when all of our apps send us emails about how many books we read, what music we listened to the most, or how much exercise we got.
In this online world of ours, it’s important that we quantify what we’ve done so that we can make our passions more closely resemble math homework.”
Bill Ferris (read his full post here).

Waldemar Kolmsperger dÄ Tochter Wetti bei Hausaufgabe 1880
What do you think? Is this a trap you fall into? Or do you find it actually helpful instead of anxiety-inducing?

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How Long Do You Spend?

John Drew Jr cph.3b10341
How much time each day do you spend on your appearance? Not counting washing or dressing, but including anything else you do of a personal grooming or adorning nature, such as brushing your moustache like the gentleman above, or winding pearls into your hair, like the lady below.Continue & Comment