Sounds familiar! Funny how it looms up in the mind as being so much bigger a task than it turns out to be in the end. I wonder if there’s a psychological term for that?
Oh defo as go along. I don’t like having days of work that is necessary but tedious piling up staring at me, pointing and laughing every time I walk past. No, I’m a maintain as you go person. Takes minutes each time, but place stays clean.
I’m sorry….yes, *breaks down sobbing.* My name is The Editor and I have been organized for too many years to count now. I came to this meeting because I’m seeking help. Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
I hear they have Messies Anonymous and Clutterers Anonymous – you might need to start your own chapter of Organized Anonymous. A small, select group, no doubt!
I do it when I can’t stand it any longer, enjoy the virtuous feeling when I’ve done it and wonder why I don’t just do it more regularly.
Sounds familiar! Funny how it looms up in the mind as being so much bigger a task than it turns out to be in the end. I wonder if there’s a psychological term for that?
Oh defo as go along. I don’t like having days of work that is necessary but tedious piling up staring at me, pointing and laughing every time I walk past. No, I’m a maintain as you go person. Takes minutes each time, but place stays clean.
Ah, you must be one of those Born Organized people I’ve heard about!
I’m sorry….yes, *breaks down sobbing.* My name is The Editor and I have been organized for too many years to count now. I came to this meeting because I’m seeking help. Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
I hear they have Messies Anonymous and Clutterers Anonymous – you might need to start your own chapter of Organized Anonymous. A small, select group, no doubt!
Yes and everyone turns up with neatly typed introduction messages. Plus we turn up slightly early to make sure the hall is tidy!